
We've got each other's back

Your hub for support and encouragement. Shared experiences and stories from people like you, in your community. Empowering you to be you, to be confident to take your health in to your hands. Join in the conversation too – no judgement, no shame – as we explore what it means to live fearlessly, and to thrive. Together.

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Embracing the spirit of our community festivals to Confront HIV

Students, Anxiety, and Testing: Getting the Facts Straight

Unbroken Spirit: The Unimaginable Journey of a Black Woman's Triumph Over Genocide, Violence, and HIV

In 1994, the genocide in Rwanda changed everything for me. I lost so many loved ones, including my husband who was killed by soldiers.

Disrupting Taboos: A Young Black Muslim’s Crusade Against HIV Stigma

As a Black Muslim woman, I understand the unique challenges that we face when it comes to HIV testing. Self-testing is an especially critical tool, and relatively new way in Canada to help people take control of their own health and wellbeing.

How to navigate immigration and HIV

If you're living with HIV and looking to immigrate to Canada, there are somethings you need to know to navigate the system.
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